Info |
These ports are internal to your LAN |
. You do not need to open these ports externally to the Internet. |
If your network is divided into multiple subnets/VLANs (which most are), then you will most likely need to open them between the relevant subnets/VLANs.
TCP: 80, 443, 5001
UDP: 161
Port Details
Port | Protocol | Required | Inbound/Outbound | Description |
80 | TCP | IT Admins | Web Console (HTTP) – Also required for Bulk Configuration via Vivi Central | |
161 | UDP | No | SNMP – Available for diagnostic monitoring, if desired | |
443 | TCP | IT Admins | Web Console (HTTPS) – Also required for Bulk Configuration via Vivi Central | |
5001 | TCP | No | iPerf 2 – Available for network bandwidth testing, may be requested by Vivi Support | |
5555 | TCP | Yes | Android Debug Bridge (ADB) - Used for Vivi for debugging and remote support purposes | |
6000 | TCP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Apple AirPlay negotiation, Video stream fallback | |
7000 | TCP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Apple AirPlay negotiation | |
7100 | TCP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Video stream | |
8000 | TCP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Apple AirPlay negotiation | |
8001 | UDP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Apple AirPlay timing channel | |
8002 | UDP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Control messages | |
8003 | UDP | Yes | Screen Sharing – Audio stream | |
12800 | TCP | Yes | Vivi Client API (HTTP) – How the Vivi Client talks to the Box Touch input Data | |
12801 | TCP | Yes | Vivi Client API (HTTP) – Static image serving | |
12802 | TCP | Yes | Local Video Direct (HTTP) – Local files streamed to the Box | |
12820- | UDP | WebRTC | WebRTC - Video / Audio streams (Split Screen) | |
12819 | TCP | Announcements | Outbound | Video Announcements - WebRTC Signalling |
12821-12824 | UDP/RTP | Announcements | Outbound | Video Announcements - Video and Audio streams |
12820-13999 | UDP/RTP | Announcements | Inbound | Video Announcements - Video and Audio streams |
Testing Ports
Once you have opened the necessary ports within your network, you can use the Vivi App to confirm these have been opened.