Vivi integration with ClickView allows videos on the ClickView website to be streamed directly to the Vivi in your room. Users can access the ClickView website as they normally would, choose their video as they normally would, then simply select the desired room from the "Devices" button in the bottom right hand side of the player.
Activating ClickView
If your school uses ClickView, enable the ClickView feature as follows:
- Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.
- Select the "Integration" link in the menu at the top of the screen.
- Click on "Edit".
- Tick the box to enable ClickView integration, and click "Save Changes".
Enable ClickView integration
- A "Configure" link will now be shown next to the tick box. Click the "Configure" link.
Link to ClickView configuration
- The ClickView integration screen will show a 4-digit pin for activating each Box in ClickView.
ClickView activation codes
- Log in to the ClickView website and select Administration -> Devices in the dropdown menu in the top right.
- Enter the name of the room and the 4-digit PIN for one Box. This process will allow Vivi Central to extract your ClickView identity.
- Back in Vivi Central, click the "Sync" box at the top of the screen. This will automatically register all Boxes with ClickView.
- Click "Refresh" to update the status of Box integration with ClickView.
ClickView integration by Box screen
This process needs to be repeated if you add new Boxes to your organisation.
- On the same screen, you can also deactivate all Boxes from an identity by clicking "Deactivate". You must then click "Refresh" to see the changes.
Streaming ClickView to a Vivi
To stream ClickView to a Vivi:
- Log in to with your teacher login.
- Select a video to start playing it in the browser.
- Select "Devices" in the bottom right to see a device list, and click on the device with the name of the room that you're currently in. ClickView will send a URL to the Vivi Box in your room and you will be free to use your device.
Important note: Vivi Boxes will appear to be offline in ClickView until they are ready to receive content (i.e. until ClickView has been activated in the Vivi App).

Streaming ClickView to a Vivi Box