Windows Auto-Update

Windows Auto-Update

From App version 3.7.0, you can take advantage of our Windows Auto-Update feature to ensure that all of your users have the most up to date app version, even if their devices aren’t centrally managed.

With Windows Auto Update enabled, users will receive a notification upon opening the Vivi App when a new update is available.

An Update button will appear within the Settings menu after 24 hours if the user has not yet chosen to apply the update. Clicking the update button will automatically download and apply the App update.

Auto-Updates can still be downloaded and applied even if users don’t have administrative privileges on their device.


How to Enable Auto-Updates for your Organization

Auto-updates can be enabled for Windows clients in your organization following the below steps:

  1. Sign into Vivi Central

  2. Navigate to the Organisations > Details tab

  3. Toggle on the Enable Update Notifications for users to receive notifications to update their Vivi app when a new version is released.

  4. Find the App Auto update for Windows option and select one of the three available drop down options:

  • None - Auto-updates are turned off. Use this option if you manage deployment of updates in your environment.

  • Recommended - Push only the Vivi recommended app versions

  • Recommended + Optional - Push out both Vivi recommended and Optional app versions

  1. Click Save Changes to apply.