MSIEXEC is a tool that assists with the automated and unattended/silent installs of the Vivi MSI app. The commands must be run in a CMD window as an administrator.
To open an admin prompt, go to C:\Windows\System32, right click on “cmd.exe”, and select Run as administrator
Here are some common command line switches:
Normal installation (include both drivers):
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet
Not installing the USB passthrough driver:
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet INSTALL_USB_DRIVER=""
Not installing the extended display driver:
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet INSTALL_DISPLAY_DRIVER=""
Not installing either:
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet INSTALL_DISPLAY_DRIVER="" INSTALL_USB_DRIVER=""
If IDLE_CHECK=”True”, the installation will NOT proceed if Vivi app is active. This only works starting on version 3.5.2 and up:
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet IDLE_CHECK="True"
Do install the audio driver (this is not installed by default)
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet INSTALL_AUDIO_DRIVER="True"
Uninstall the app:
msiexec.exe /x [path_to_msi] /quiet
to any msiexec.exe command to collect logs. For example, write logs to C:\work folder:
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /L*V "C:\work\msilogs.log"
Steps to test whether MSIEXEC is functioning properly on a single system
Download the latest Vivi MSI installer:
Open an admin prompt*
Run the following command
msiexec.exe /i [path_to_msi] /quiet INSTALL_AUDIO_DRIVER="True" /L*V [path_to_logfile]
The folder containing the logfile path must already exist. For example, on my computer,
is a folder that does exist. I runmsiexec.exe /i "C:\Users\Fang\Downloads\ViviSetup64-3.7.3.msi" /quiet INSTALL_AUDIO_DRIVER="True" /L*V C:\work\installerlog.txt
Wait for Vivi to be installed. (You can check the “Installed apps” list and wait until “Vivi” appears)
Check and see if the Vivi Virtual Audio Device has been installed**
The logfiles can be checked in the event of failure.
Intune Configuration
The basic process in Intune involves adding an MSI package as a line-of-business app (All Apps > Add > Line-Of-Business app). This supports any format that can be sideloaded onto a device but for our purposes we’re using a standard Vivi MSI like our ViviSetup64 MSI files.
Upload the package and set all command line arguments needed
Under Assignments, add the group created in Entra
Put a few test machines into the Entra group
Next > Create
Go to the machines and run a Sync