3.3 Floating Toolbar and Vivi Controls

3.3 Floating Toolbar and Vivi Controls

When using Vivi on a laptop (such as a Windows or MacBook) device, upon sharing, Vivi will shrink to a Floating Toolbar.

From here, the following functions can be used:

  • Move - selecting the 6-dot icon on the far left will allow you to move the floating toolbar around the display.

  • Stop - stops sharing.

  • Pause - freezes the content on the classroom display. Upon clicking, Vivi will minimise. To resume presenting, return to the Vivi app and click Resume.

  • Annotate - opens Vivi’s annotation tools (refer to section 3.7 for further information).

  • Timer - Accesses the Share Screen Timer. Refer to 3.12 Share Screen Timers

  • Give Control - opens the section of the Vivi app where control can be passed to students (refer to section 4 for further information).

  • Home - returns to the main view of the Vivi app.

  • Hide - minimises Vivi to the toolbar.

  • Expand Arrow - shows more features.

  • Volume - controls the volume of the classroom display.

On most devices, the volume controls on the device’s keyboard will not control the volume of the classroom display. The exception to this is iOS devices (such as iPads and iPhones) which will be able to use the volume buttons on the side of the device to control the classroom display volume. Please note: this feature requires app version 3.3.0 or above.

  • Movie Mode - enables Movie Mode which adds a 2-second delay between the device and the classroom display. This is useful for videos that can’t be played through Play Video (refer to section 3.4 for further information). The delay allows videos to buffer and helps to overcome minor playback issues.

  • Privacy Mode - prevents students from taking screenshots of the classroom display (refer to section 3.7 for further information).


The above tools can also be found in the lower bar in the Vivi app that appears when sharing.



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