Short Names

When users log in to the Vivi App, they need to first select an organisation to log in to.

To make it easier to search for your organisation, a number of different names can be configured.

These can include common names and misspellings for the organisation.

To set short names:

  • Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.
  • Select the "Short Names" link in the menu at the top of the screen.
  • Click on "Edit".
  • Add/update as many short names as needed. Short names can only include lower case letters and numbers. No spaces or symbols are allowed. To add a short name, click on the plus symbol and enter the new short name.
  • Click on the minus sign to remove any short names that are no longer required.
  • Click "Update" to save the changes.

Example short names for "Vivi Example High School"