Poll Templates

Templates can be created to make it easy for teachers to run a student poll.  Each template can be selected from a drop-down list in the Vivi App.

Poll templates in the Vivi App

A number of poll templates are provided by default.  There are two categories of default templates: assessment and wellbeing.

Assessment templates provide the opportunity for teachers to run a poll at any time in class.  The types of response that can be gathered are:

  • Multiple choice (alphabetical)

  • Multiple choice (numerical)

  • True / False

  • Yes / No

  • Free-form – where students provide their own response.

The values within assessment templates can be modified when a teacher starts the poll.

Wellbeing templates can be used get instant feedback from the class. 

A number of wellbeing templates are provided by default and are aimed at finding out how students are going with the lesson, and how they are feeling in general.

To view the default templates:

  • Under the “Feedback” link in Vivi Central, select the “Templates” link.

A list of default templates will be displayed.

Default poll templates

Creating Custom Wellbeing Poll Templates

Custom wellbeing templates can be created.  Once created, these are automatically included in the template list within the Vivi App.

To create a custom poll template:

  • Under the “Feedback” link in Vivi Central, select the “Templates” link.

  • Click “New Template”. The New Template wizard will be loaded.

  • Give the template a name, and click “Next”.

New Feedback Template wizard

  • Click “Select Emojis” to choose the answers that will be available in the Poll.

  • Select the emojis to add from the “Available” box, and use the yellow right arrows to add them to the “Selected” box. At least two emojis/answers must be added.  Click “Confirm” when the emojis have all been selected.

Selecting emojis for a poll

  • The next screen shows a summary of all of the answers that have been selected, as well as the default name for each. The names can be modified to suit this particular template.  The answers can also be reordered.  If the list of answers needs to be changed, click “Change Emojis” to return to the emoji selection screen.

Customise answers in the poll

  • Click on “Next” to load the “Overview” screen. This presents a summary of the template, including the name and possible answers.  Please note that once the template is created, the list of answers and their name cannot be changed.

New template summary

  • Click “Submit” to create the template. The template will now be available in the Vivi App.

Modifying Poll Templates

To modify a poll template:

  • Under the “Feedback” link in Vivi Central, select the “Templates” link.

  • Find the template in the list and click on its name. This will load the feedback template details screen.

  • Click on “Edit”.

  • The name can be modified. The status can also be set to either “Enabled” or Disabled”.

  • Click “Save Changes” to save the changes.


 Creating Rule-Based Alerts for Poll Templates

Poll templates can be updated to send an alert to an email address each time a student selects a particular answer.  For example, an alert can be setup in the “How do you feel socially” template to notify someone whenever a student answers that they are feeling bullied.

To create a notification rule:

  • Under the “Feedback” link in Vivi Central, select the “Templates” link.

  • Find the template in the list and click on its name. This will load the feedback template details screen.

  • Click on the “Notification Rules” link at the top of the screen. This will load the notification rules screen.

  • Click on “Add Rule”.

  • Select the answer from the drop-down list and set the thresholds for how many times over how many days the answer needs to be selected before the person is notified. Add in the email address to be notified.  Only one email address can be added for each answer.

Creating a notification rule

  • Click “Create” to create the rule.

More than one notification rule can be created for each poll template. 

Please note that the notification rules collate results based on a single answer in the poll template.  This includes all of the results for all of the times that the poll is run within the selected timeframe.

If more than one notification rule on a poll template is triggered, this would result in multiple emails being sent to the nominated email addresses.

A summary of the rules can be found on the “Notification Rules” screen for each poll template.

Notification rules summary

Deleting templates

To delete a poll template:

  • Under the “Feedback” link in Vivi Central, select the “Templates” link.

  • Find the template in the list and click on its name. This will load the feedback template details screen.

  • Click on “Delete” and confirm that the template is to be deleted.

Please note that deleting a feedback template will delete all of the polls created from it, as well as any associated responses. This action cannot be undone.

To disable a feedback template and retain previous results, the template can be disabled in the poll templates details screen.

In addition, the default templates cannot be deleted.  To prevent them from being used, they can also be disabled in the poll templates details screen.