The Web Console is accessed via a web browser.

This can be reached by connecting directly to the IP address of the Box, or by connecting to an inbuilt Wi-Fi access point.

Note: The default login details for the Web Console are:

Username: admin Password: v!v!adm!n

The administrator password can be changed using Vivi Central.

Wi-Fi Access Point

Each Vivi Box exposes a Wi-Fi access point for ten minutes after powering on or rebooting. If you cannot connect to the Web Console directly over the local network, or you don't know the IP address of the Box, this is the only way you can access the console.

The Wi-Fi access point can be disabled via Vivi Central once the Box is configured.

To connect:

  1. Restart the box

  2. Connect to

  3. Enter in "admin" for the username and "v!v!adm!n" as the password

  4. Click on Network Settings

  5. Enter in your home wifi as the SSID

  6. Enter in the preshared key which is the above Wifi's password

  7. Scroll down and click save

  8. Rejoin your home wifi

Web Console login screen

Once connected, the connection will remain active until you disconnect. After disconnecting, the timer will restart and the Wi-Fi access point will be disabled after 10 minutes.

Please note: The Wi-Fi access point will not be started if your Box has successfully connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Please note: If you are connecting using a Windows device, the network will show as "Limited Connectivity". This is expected as you are connecting directly to the Vivi Box itself, not to the Internet.

Local Network

If you are on the same network as a Vivi Box, you can also access the Web Console by connecting to the Box directly.

Provided that the network is configured correctly and connections to Vivi Central are working properly, getting to the Web Console is rather easy

Simply log in to Vivi Central, go to "Devices", then "Configure Devices", find the Box in the list of Devices, and click on the corresponding IP address.

Finding a link to the Web Console in Vivi Central

You can also connect directly to the IP address.

If you are not sure of the IP address, you can look it up using Vivi Central, or by connecting to the Web Console via the Vivi Box Wi-Fi access point, and going to the Status page.

Keyboard & Mouse

If the Vivi unit is on 2.8.2 or greater you can also access the Vivi web console by plugging in a mouse and keyboard. By plugging in these peripherals you can press either press F1, F2, F10, F12 or Delete when “Starting…” is displayed on the screen. It can take up to 20 seconds for the web console to launch and the splash screen may be shown first.

to bring up the web console on the screen the Vivi unit is plugged into and navigate it with the keyboard and mouse.