Status Page
After logging into the Web Console, the status page is displayed. This page gives a quick overview of the status of the Box.
The status page can also be accessed by selecting the "Status" link in the Web Console.
The status page includes the following information:
- WAN access – information about whether the network connection is working as expected or not. Refer to the Network Settings section for more information.
- Identifiers – Unique information about the Box.
- Room Name - Name of the room currently associated with this Box.
- Display Name – A user friendly name for the Box. This can be changed in Vivi Central.
- MAC Address – The MAC address of the LAN network adapter.
- Wi-Fi MAC Address – The MAC address of the Wi-Fi adapter. (This is only displayed for Wi-Fi models).
- GUID - Unique identifier for the Box. This identifier is used by Vivi Support to help with troubleshooting.
- Version - The current firmware version of the Box.
- Time Settings – current time and time zone settings for the Box. Refer to the Time Settings section for more information.
- Soft and Hard Restart buttons – controls for restarting the Box. Refer to the Restarting section for more information.
Status page Identifiers section example