Time Settings

Time Settings

It is critical to the operation of the Vivi Solution to have the correct time and time zone on the Vivi Box

The correct time is typically required for secure connections to work. It is also important for accurate tracking of events which show up in the Metrics section of Vivi Central and is required to support Digital Signage.

To set the time and time zone on the Vivi Box you can

  • Use Vivi Mode to retrieve the current time from our Vivi time service

  • Connect to a public time server

  • Connect to a time server on your network

  • Set the time based on your local PC

To check the time, log in to the Web Console and check the "Time Settings" on the Status page. If the "System Time" and "Time Zone" is correct, no further action is required.

Sample time settings

Vivi mode – Retrieve current time from our Vivi time service

By default, the Vivi Box uses information provided via our Vivi time service to determine the time.

If you block NTP to WAN and don't run your own NTP server internally, this is your only option.

While the Box is in Vivi mode, any time server details that have been configured are ignored.

NTP mode – Setting the time using a public or internal time server

Where possible, the system time should be set using a time server. This is a more reliable way of setting the system time.

Connections to time servers are handled using Network Time Protocol (NTP). For this to work, either:

  • NTP connections from the local network to the Internet need to be enabled, or,

  • Your organisation needs to run its own time servers on the local network.

If neither option is available, Vivi mode will need to be used to set the time settings instead.

When NTP mode is enabled, the Box will connect to any time server that is listed.

If no time servers are listed, the Vivi Box will connect to one of the public time servers that are provided by https://www.ntppool.org/en/

To establish time settings using NTP:

  1. Select the "Time Settings" link in the Web Console

  2. Select "NTP"

  3. Add the IP address or full host name for at least one time server if your organisation has its own time servers

  4. Save the changes

It may take up to a minute for time to synchronise after making changes. Try a Hard Restart of the Box if it doesn't seem to be working.

Sample NTP time settings

Set the time based on your local PC

If all else fails, the time can be set according to your own computer.

This is only meant as a temporary solution while other preferred time synchronisation methods are resolved.

For example, if the Vivi Box is offline for any period of time, the time will go out of sync again.

To set the time manually:

  • Select the "Status" link in the Web Console

  • Click on "Set Time To Now". This button is located in the "Time Settings" section