Emergency Broadcasting allows a teacher to trigger an emergency message in the event of a critical incident. When an emergency is triggered, every Vivi-enabled Display in the organisation (or location) will communicate the emergency protocol to be followed: evacuation, lockdown or a custom emergency type.

During an emergency broadcast, presenting from devices is disabled until the emergency has been cancelled.

Please note:

To trigger an emergency:

1. Log in to the Vivi App and click on the running man icon in the top right-hand corner. The running man icon is used to access the emergency broadcast page.

Vivi App running man icon

2. Select the type of emergency. By default,  "Evacuation" and "Lockdown" emergency types are displayed. Any other custom emergencies that have been created will also be displayed.

Select the emergency type

3. Click on the appropriate emergency response.

4. Once selected, you will be asked to confirm your choice, in order that accidental emergencies are avoided.

Confirm an emergency

Upon confirming the emergency, all configured Vivi Boxes within the organisation will broadcast a message detailing the type of emergency, who triggered the emergency and the location from which the emergency broadcast was triggered.

Additionally, an emergency broadcast will trigger an email and SMS notification to all pre-configured emergency wardens with information on the situational context.

Details about each triggered emergency is also logged in Vivi Central.