Wardens will be notified via email and SMS of the exact location and originator of an emergency.
They also have the option to cancel the emergency via a special link.
Warden details are set in the organisation settings.
To register warden email addresses:
Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.
Select the "Warden Email Addresses" link.
Click "Edit".
Add the email addresses as required. Clicking the plus sign will create a new blank line. Clicking a minus sign will delete the entry on the same line.
Click on "Save Changes".
Adding warden email addresses
To register warden phone numbers:
Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.
Select the "Warden Phone Numbers" link.
Click "Edit".
Add the phone numbers as required. Mobile phone numbers need to be used.Clicking the plus sign will create a new blank line. Clicking a minus sign will delete the entry on the same line.
Click on "Save Changes".
When saved, phone numbers will be re-written into full international format using the country code that matches the organisation.
If a different country code is required, add the country code when registering the number, for example: +64 401 234 567