3.8 Whiteboard

3.8 Whiteboard

Vivi’s whiteboard tool allows teachers and students to annotate over a blank canvas or to load a background image and annotate over that.

To use, select Whiteboard from a room’s homepage.


Along the top, the tools available, from left to right, are:

  • Back - returns to the room’s homepage.

If returning to the room’s homepage, annotations will remain in the whiteboard so users can go in and out as necessary.

  • Toggle Full Screen - Toggles between full screen and windowed mode.

  • Sharing Controls - Allows the presenter to share their whiteboard to the Vivi display, pause and resume their screen share, and stop sharing.

  • On Screen Timer - If sharing, the ability to display a floating timer will be available. Refer to 3.12 for more information.

In the middle of the screen, on the left and right sides, can be found:

  • Board Navigation Controls - Allows the presenter to quickly step through their boards (pages). These will only be visible if boards have been inserted via the Show All Boards tool (see below).

On the bottom left of the screen, is the whiteboard toolbar. The tools available, from left to right, are:

  • Select - select, move, resize, and rotate elements on the page.

  • Pen - freehand drawing tool. By selecting this, more options will appear to select the color and thickness of the line. Use the + icon to add more colors.

  • Highlighter - freehand, semi-transparent drawing tool. By selecting this, more options will appear to select the color and thickness of the highlighter. Use the + icon to add more colors.

  • Draw Shapes - allows for shapes to be placed on the page including rectangles, circles/ovals, triangles, arrows, lines and stars. By selecting this, more options will appear to customize the color of the border and fill of the shape and the thickness of the border of the shape. Use the + icon to add more colors.

  • Insert Text - allows for typed text to be placed on the page. By selecting this, more options will appear to select the color and size of the text. Use the + icon to add more colors.

  • Eraser - removes individual elements from the page.

  • Select Background - see Select Background below for more information.

  • Undo - undoes the last change made to the whiteboard.

  • Redo - redoes the last Undo item.

  • Clear Whiteboard - Clears the current board, not including any backgrounds inserted.

  • Show All Boards - see Board Management below for more information.

  • More Options - opens a submenu with additional options shown below.

    • Copy - copies the current board to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another app.

    • Save to Device - saves the current board to the device.

    • Save to Drive - saves the current board to Google Drive.

    • Save to OneDrive - saves the board page to OneDrive.

    • Save to OneNote - saves the board page to OneNote.

    • Clear All Boards - clears all whiteboards.

    • Assessment - commences an Assessment (see Section 3.10)

    • Poll - commences a Poll (see Section 3.10)

  • Hide Toolbar - Reduces toolbar down to the single tool currently being used.

Select Background

The Select Background feature allows teachers and students to add whiteboard backgrounds from Vivi’s whiteboard background library, allowing them to select from educational whiteboard backgrounds to enable different academic tasks, and improve note-taking.


Whiteboard users may select from a variety of backgrounds, including:

  • Blank

  • Add Background - select an image from the device to use as a background.

  • Paper Backgrounds - including lined paper, graph paper, dots, handwriting, and staff paper.

  • Graphic Organisers - including column organizers and Venn diagrams.

  • Sports Fields - including NFL, AFL, baseball, hockey and tennis.

When adding a Custom Background Image, all existing annotations will be deleted.

Select either Apply to All Boards to add the selected background to every board, or Apply to Board to add the selected background to the current board only.

Board Management

The Show All Boards icon in the toolbar allows users to manage the boards in the whiteboard. Use the + icon to add more boards, the < and > icons to navigate through all boards, and the X to close the board management toolbar.


There is a limit of 50 boards that can be added.

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