3.10 Screenshot and Annotate

3.10 Screenshot and Annotate


Screenshots of the classroom display can be taken by teachers and students at any time when someone is sharing. This is done by selecting Screenshot from the room’s homepage.


Screenshots are saved automatically to the teacher’s or student's device.

  • If on a laptop, such as Windows computer or a MacBook, the image will be saved into a Vivi folder in the Pictures folder.

  • If on a mobile device such as a tablet (eg. an iPad) or on a phone, the image will be saved into the camera roll.

When the screenshot saves, a notification will appear in the Vivi app informing the user of this.



Teachers and students are able to annotate over a screenshot of the classroom display. There are three ways to do this:

1. If sharing, the user can select Annotate from the floating toolbar.


Because the Annotate feature is a part of the Floating Toolbar and Vivi Controls feature, it is not available on some platforms, like iOS and Android.

2. Any user can select Screenshot then Annotate from the notification that appears.


3. Any user can press and hold on the Screenshot icon until the Annotate icon appears.


Annotate Tools

Upon selecting Annotate from any of the above methods, Vivi’s annotation tools, as seen in Whiteboard (refer to section 3.6 for further information).


Unlike Whiteboard mode, if a user selects Back to return to the room’s homepage, all annotations will be cleared. Any annotations should therefore be saved before exiting.

Privacy Mode

There are times when teachers do not want students to be able to take screenshots of the classroom display. To remove this ability temporarily, teachers can turn on Privacy Mode. This can be done from the expanded floating toolbar, from the orange bar at the bottom of the room’s homepage when sharing, or from the video controls when using Vivi’s Play Content feature (refer to section 3.4 for further information).



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