5.3 Room Settings

5.3 Room Settings

Please note: some items within the Settings sub-menus may appear different or may not be present depending on if features are turned on or off within your organisation, or depending on the device you are using Vivi on.

The second sub-menu within Settings is Room Settings.


From the Room Settings sub-menu, the following features can be enabled/disabled:

  • Room Code - Creates a 4-digit room code that is displayed on the classroom display. The room code needs to be entered by all users before connecting the the room. The Room Code cycles every 60 minutes, but also changes each time that a Presenter joins and then leaves a Room.

  • Open Access - Give students the ability to share without a teacher needing to give them permission first. Room codes need to be switched on in the room for this to be enabled.

  • Pause Signage - Turns off any signage currently playing on the classroom display. It may not turn off some signage if high priorities have been set on that signage by the organisation’s IT administrator.

  • All Display Audio (only available in Multi-Display or Combined Rooms) - Enable audio to play through all the displays within the room.

  • Room Mute - Turns off the sound on all screens within the room.

When turning on a feature, a slider will appear to allow you to select how long that feature will be enabled for. Choose a time, between 30 minutes and 4 hours, and select Apply Settings.

After the set time has elapsed, the feature will be automatically turned off. You can manually turn off a feature at any time by returning to the Room Settings menu and selecting Restore Defaults.