Signage Audio

Signage Audio configuration can be set at the Organization, location, group or playlist level.

Configuring Signage Audio for the Organization

  • Navigate to the Organization page.

  • Click the Edit button in top right of the page.

  • Scroll down the page to find the Signage Audio option and select either Enabled or Disabled.

  • Click Save Changes


Configuring Signage Audio for a Location

  • Navigate to the Organisation > Locations page

  • Select the location to configure.

  • Click the Edit button.

  • Under Signage Audio select either Enabled, Disabled or Default

    • Default will inherit from the parent location setting. This setting can be overridden by child locations, rooms, or playlists.

  • Click Save Changes.

Configuring Signage Audio for a Room

  • Navigate to Organisation > Rooms page.

  • Select the Room to configure.

  • Click the Edit button at the top right.

  • Scroll down to Signage Audio and select either Enabled, Disabled or Default.

  • Click Save Changes.

Configuring Signage Audio for a Playlist

  • Navigate to the Signage > Playlists page.

  • Click on the name of the playlist to configure.

  • Select an option from the Audio Settings drop down menu.

  • Click the Save button to save changes.