Scheduled Message Announcements

Scheduled Message Announcements

Version 3.9.0 includes the ability to display Message announcement across your fleet according to a schedule or on a recurring basis. This is a great way of ensuring that important information is being shared at the right time without manual intervention.

In order to schedule a Message announcement a user must be assigned to the Announcement or Administrator role.


  • Users need to have firmware and clients updated to version 3.9

  • Users will need to have the IT Admin or Announcer role

  • The following must be enabled in Features tab of your Organisation’s settings in Vivi Central.


Scheduling an Announcement

Authorised users are able to create, schedule and manage Scheduled Message Announcements in Vivi Central via the ‘Announcement’ Menu in the left hand panel.


To Schedule a Message announcement, Click on the Create New button on the top right


After entering your message and defining the duration, select the Destination for the message - either by selecting individual rooms or locations:




Or by Announcement Groups:


Once your message and destination has been defined, the Schedule button will become active which will allow you to display the message at a future date and time.


Select the date and time that the announcement should be displayed. This can be set up as a once off event, or on a regular schedule. The Repeat can be setup as Daily/Weekly/Fortnightly.


Clicking Next Step will take you to the Message Overview screen, which will allow you to review your settings before clicking Create Schedule.


Once the message has been scheduled, You will be taken to the Message Properties window, which will allow you to edit or stop the scheduled announcement.


Managing Message Announcements

Message Announcements can be managed from the Announcements > Messages tab in Vivi Central.

This tab shows the Message Announcement history as well as their current status and the ability to Hide or Stop the messages from being displayed.


Ending a Message Announcement.

Authorised users can Stop or End an In Progress Message announcement by clicking on the Stop button, which will display a confirmation dialogue box.


A Scheduled Message Announcement can be cancelled by clicking on the Delete Future Occurrences button in the message properties, which will display a confirmation dialogue box.



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