Bulk Assignment of Vivis to Rooms
In order to bulk assign Vivis, they will need to be assigned to a room before they can be used. You can do this by populating and uploading the following CSV file directly into Vivi Central. This file is available to download during the upload process (see image).
To assign multiple unassigned Boxes to rooms:
Navigate to ‘Organization’ in Vivi Central and then select the ‘Rooms’ link to see a list of rooms.
Click ‘Bulk Assign’ on the top right corner of the page. You can then upload the CSV in the required format to assign the devices to a Room (and Location + Sub-Location, if required).
Guidelines of bulk updates
A maximum of 500 assignments are allowed per request. To assign more than 500 devices, split the CSV file into multiple files with 500 or fewer records each.
Ensure that each box you’re trying to assign is present in your organization and has not yet been assigned to a room. Reassigning boxes that are already assigned to a room is restricted.
The columns in your CSV file should follow the same order as in the template. MAC Address and Room Name are required fields, while Location and Sublocation are optional.
You can use this bulk upload process to create new rooms and locations. Be sure to assign unique room names when creating different rooms.
For existing rooms, enable multi-display if you’re adding more devices. In new rooms, adding multiple MAC addresses will automatically enable multi-display.
You can assign new rooms to an existing or new ‘Location + Sublocation’ combination. However, once assigned, you cannot re-assign an existing room to a different ‘Location + Sublocation’. Leave the Location field blank if you prefer not to assign a Room to a Location. Add all Sub-locations in separate columns in their hierarchical order.
Leave Location blank to prevent assigning a Room to a Location.
Add all Sub-locations in separate columns in the order of their hierarchy.
If there are any errors with the CSV then none of the assignments will be processed. You will need to rectify those errors and re-upload the file to successfully complete the Box assignments. Below is an example of all the error messages you will see if the CSV file has incorrect information.