Bulk Room Configuration

Bulk Room Configuration

Bulk configuration of rooms can be done either from Organisation > Location or directly in the the 'Rooms' listing page.

  • If you’d like to change the settings of all the rooms at a given location, you can go to that location and click 'Configure All'.



  • You can also configure the settings of multiple rooms from the Rooms listing page under Organisation > Rooms, where you can select rooms from multiple locations and click 'Configure All'.

Please note in addition to all the other settings, you can also update the location of the selected rooms from this pop-up if they belong to the same organisation.

  • It will bring up the Room settings configuration pop-up. You will need to toggle on the settings that you want to apply to the rooms at the given location and provide an appropriate value.

Once you submit new settings, all existing settings will be overwritten and cannot be updated or reverted back unless you overwrite these settings again.