Create and Manage Profiles
Profiles are sets of predefined settings used in the Wi-Fi Easy Installer tool to quickly and easily apply settings on your devices.
Creating Profiles
In the left-hand menu on Vivi Central navigate to Installation > Profiles.
On the 'Profiles' page, click the 'Create Profile' button located in the top-right corner.
Provide a name for the newly created profile and proceed by clicking the 'Create' button.
You will then be taken to the Details page of the newly created profile. To make modifications, click the 'Edit' button.
Apply the desired configuration settings for the profile. For additional information regarding each configuration option, refer to the details provided below:
Name: The name of the profile you’re creating
Update Firmware to Latest: Updates the Vivi box to the latest firmware
Room Configuration
Just Configure Vivi Box - There will be no room assignment options during installation.
Configure Vivi Box and assign to existing room - The installer will be prompted to select a room from a list.
Configure Vivi Box and suggest room name in an existing location - The installer will be prompted to select a location from a list and enter a room name.
Configure Vivi Box and suggest room name without location - The installer will be prompted to enter a room name.
Network Type - Ethernet or Wi-Fi
When selecting Wi-Fi you are prompted to provide the following information:
Wi-Fi Security: Unsecured, Personal or Enterprise
Wi-Fi SSID (ensure spelling is exactly as your SSID name)
Pre-shared Key or Wi-Fi Identity and Password
Time Mode - Vivi or NTP
Display Resolution - Auto, 720p or 1080p
After configuring the profile click ‘Save Changes’ to apply.
To allow ‘Guest Installers’ to use these profiles, IT Admins will need to grant them access.