Scheduled Restarts

A scheduled restart can be set up to perform either a soft or Hard Restart of all your Vivi Boxes at a scheduled time.

Scheduled restarts are configured within the organisation settings.

Please note: All scheduled times are based on the time zone configured for the organisation within Vivi Central.

To view the existing setting:

  • Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.

  • Select the "Scheduled Restarts" link in the menu at the top of the screen.

A list of existing scheduled restarts will be displayed.

To create a new schedule or edit an existing one:

  • Select the "Organisation" link in Vivi Central.

  • Select the "Scheduled Restarts" link in the menu at the top of the screen.

  • Click "Edit".

  • Set the schedule as follows:

    • "Disabled" – No restart will occur.

    • "Daily" – The Boxes will restart daily at a set time.

    • "Sundays" – The Boxes will restart on Sunday at a nominated time.

  • For "Daily" and "Sundays" schedules, set the restart time, and choose whether the restart will be a "Soft Restart" or a "Hard Restart".

Please note: Only one set of scheduled restart settings can be created.

Sample restart schedule