

Wardens are notified about triggered and cancelled emergencies, including the exact location and originator, via email and SMS.

They also have the option to cancel the emergency via a link provided in the notification message.


To register warden email addresses:

  • Go to the Organisation menu in Vivi Central.

  • Select Emergencies from the top navigation bar.

  • Click Edit and select the Edit Warden Email Addresses… button.

  • Enter the email addresses of the wardens who should receive emergency notifications. Click the plus sign to add a new blank line, and click the minus sign to delete the entry on that line.

  • Click Update to apply the warden email addresses.

Adding Warden Email Addresses

To register warden phone numbers:

  • Go to the Organisation menu in Vivi Central.

  • Select Emergencies from the top navigation bar.

  • Click Edit and select the Edit Warden Phone Numbers… button.

  • Enter the phone numbers of the wardens who should receive emergency notifications. Click the plus sign to add a new blank line, and click the minus sign to delete the entry on that line.

  • Click Update to apply the warden phone numbers

Adding Warden Phone Numbers

When saved, phone numbers will be re-written into full international format using the country code that matches the organisation.

If a different country code is required, add the country code when registering the number, for example: +64 401 234 567